Thursday, September 25, 2008

Perky Playdough

Here's my tail of the Perky Playdough from MOPS:
I was hoping it would happen like this. I love surprises for Cloe!

Into the fridge it went to "settle" for awhile. So of course, we had to make...

Now we're all set to play!

This playdough kind of scared me at first. We had just handed out 30-some kits to a lot of moms--moms we want to come back, moms we like, moms we care about, moms we want to like know. We wanted this playdough to be COOL! So, I went home and set to making it (maybe this should have been a step taken a few weeks ago...). As we stirred it up, it sort of stayed as this weird gloppy goo mess. Then when we put it in the bag, it started to take on a little firmer texture. Thankfully after cooling in the refrigerator, it works just like playdough!

I think tomorrow we may try *G*R*E*E*N*!

Perky Playdough
1 c. flour
1 T. cream of tartar
1/4 c. salt
1 package Kool-Aid (any flavor)
1 T. vegetable oil
1 c. boiling water
Mix all dry ingredients. Add oil. Pour in boiling water.
Mix thoroughly. Wrap in a plastic bag or place in an
airtight container. Store in refrigerator.

Do you have a Perky Playdough Tale to share? Please post!!!


Following The Fosters said...

i dont have a story to tell because i forgot to grab a bag as i left, but its just as well because im sure my 1 yr old would have just wanted to eat it...haha

Sharon Thompson said...

Oh my gosh, Cloe is so adorable! The look on her face is priceless! I am so glad you posted the recipe for the perky playdough because I forgot to grab a bag on my way out. So now I can make it with the girls. They will be so excited! Thanks for sharing your experience.
