Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's a Cleaning Carnival!
Tired of being suffocated by fumes
every time you clean the bathroom?

Want easy tips for cleaning out
closets and having a garage sale?

Need to be able to see out those
streaky windows to watch the kids?

Dust bunnies taking over your home?

Guests coming over and you need
your home to sparkle?

Really wish you could just hire a maid
to clean up those cheerios
that were just spilled for the 100th time?

We've got help for you!

Come to MOPS tomorrow and hear great infomercials from other moms would have come up with great solutions for cleaning and organizing! We will have TONS of give-aways and every mom will take home their own special homemade, non-toxic cleaners!

9:30 am to 11:15 am

Fireside Room at Willow Creek Baptist Church

See you there!